EPS 95 Scheme: If you work in the organised sector, then every month some part of your salary must be deposited in EPF. Contribution is made in the EPF account by both the employee and the company. This contribution is 12 per cent of basic salary +DA. Of the employer's contribution, 3.67 per cent is deposited in EPF and 8.33 per cent is deposited in Employees' Pension Scheme.


If the employee has completed 10 years of service, they become entitled to receive pension under the EPS95 scheme.

But if the employee dies while on the job, then the pension benefit is given to their family members.

In this situation, widow pension, child pension and orphan pension are given. Know here what the rule of EPS 95 Scheme says.

Who gets how much pension?

Under the EPS-95 scheme, an employee's pension includes widow pension, child pension and orphan pension.

Under widow pension, the widow wife/widower husband of the minimum employee can get up to Rs 1,000.

In case of the death of a pensioner, 50 per cent of the pension is paid to the widow.

Child pension is given when the age of the children is below 25 years.

In this situation, 25 per cent of the widow pension is paid.

This facility can be given to two children at a time.

If the children are orphans, they get 75 per cent of the pension till they attain the age of 25 years.

If the child is physically disabled, they will be given 75 per cent pension for their entire life.