Shares of Tata Technologies in Wednesday's trade (January 8) gained up to 3 per cent in early trade to the day's high price of Rs 908 per share on the BSE. The spurt in the stock came after the global product engineering and digital services company inked a strategic Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Telechips, an automotive semiconductor solutions company.. On the previous day, the stock setlled with gains of around 0.6 per cent or Rs 5.15 at Rs 881.85 per share on the BSE.


The two companies announced their strategic tie-up at CES 2025.

The deal has been entered into to innovate solutions for next-generation software-defined vehicles (SDVs). The collaboration will focus on co-developing innovative solutions for Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) platforms, Automotive Cockpit domain controllers, and Central & Zonal gateway controllers, helping OEMs address software-hardware integration challenges and reduced time-to-market, added the company's release.

The partnership will capitalise on Tata Technologies' deep expertise in automotive software engineering and integration of next-gen technologies for turnkey SDV development, and Telechips semiconductor technologies, including SoCs (System on Chips), AI Vision ADAS Processors, and Network Gateway Processors. 

Together, the companies are poised to develop solutions that cater to key challenges faced by automotive OEMs in the era of SDVs, such as software-hardware integration, reduced time-tomarket, and enhancing the safety and connectivity of vehicles.

"This partnership exemplifies our commitment to engineering a better world by enabling OEMs to deliver intelligent, connected, and sustainable vehicles that redefine safety, functionality, and user experiences while working towards a software-defined future," said Warren Harris, CEO and Managing Director of Tata Technologies.

About Telechips

Telechips is a global fabless semiconductor supplier, which provides SoC and MCU for the automotive industry and leads the system semiconductor market with its advanced products and technologies in the field of connectivity and multimedia semiconductors.

Tata Technologies share price performance 

The stock in the last one year has underperformed with a negative return of 25 per cent as against Nifty50's return of over 9 per cent during the same period.