Indian equities amid broad-based buying ended Tuesday's session on a positive note after a sharp cut over the past four trading sessions. At the close, Nifty ended higher by over 90 points at 23,176, while the BSE 30-share Sensex ended with gains of 170 points at 76,499.6.


Here are the stocks that made headlines today:

HCL Technologies: After the IT giant's Q3 results which were mostly in-line with the estimates, the stock settled sharply lower by as much as 9 per cent at Rs 1,813.95 per share.

Angel One: Shares of the broking and allied services firm ended 3 per cent lower at Rs 2,371.55 per share. The company's consolidated net profit for the December quarter came in at Rs 280 crore, up from Rs 260 crore a year ago. Revenue rose to Rs 1,262 crore from Rs 1,059 crore, while Ebitda improved to Rs 496 crore from Rs 398 crore. 

Bharat Electronics: After the company's quarterly business update which said that the defence PSU bagged orders worth Rs 561 crore during the December quarter, the stock ended 4 per cent higher at Rs 269.9 apiece on the BSE.

HDFC AMC: The company for the December quarter reported a 31 per cent year-on-year rise in profit at Rs 641 crore. The scrip ended with gains of .72 per cent at Rs 3,863.7 per share.

LIC: Shares of Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) after hitting a new 52-week low in intraday trade ended over 2 per cent higher at Rs 825.3 apiece.

Vijaya Diagnostic: The stock ended 4 per cent lower at Rs 1,159.85 per share after the company's CFO, Narasimha Raju resigned.