The Road Transport & Highways has issued rules applicable to a GPS-enabled 'pay as you go' system of toll collection on highways, wherein users will be billed only on the basis of the stretch covered. The ministry will implement the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) On-Board Units soon, it said in a notification.


Under the system, all vehicles fitted with the GNSS On-Board Units will be required to move in a dedicated lane to claim benefits under the pay-as-you-go scheme. 

Instances of other vehicles entering the dedicated lane will attract double the normal toll fee, according to the notification. 

Vehicles plying on highways without national permits will be permitted to move up to a certain distance on either side. 

After crossing this threshold, they will be charged in proportion to usage. 

The central government has already expressed intent to implement a 'pay as you use' or 'pay as you go' system of toll collections on the highways across the county.