Ahluwalia Contracts (AHLUCONT) shares were in high demand for a second straight session on Tuesday after the New Delhi-based engineering, procurement and construction company bagged orders amounting to Rs 1,307 crore. The stock of Ahluwalia Contracts gained by as much as Rs 81.4, or 6.8 per cent, to Rs 1,280 apiece on BSE, taking its surge to almost eight per cent in two days. 


At 1:40 pm, Ahluwalia Contracts shares were holding on firmly to the green with a gain of 2.7 per cent at Rs 1,231 apiece. 

The civil construction company won an order of Rs 1,144 crore from Signatureglobal Business Park and another of Rs 163 crore from Signatureglobal Home, both excluding GST.

Both orders will be completed in the next 48 months, according to the EPC firm. 

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