In its investor presentation released after market hours on Tuesday, Bajaj Finance highlighted that it relies on its LRS framework for defining its medium-term aspirations. On the sidelines it even unveiled LRS 2025-29 strategy for BFL 3.0 – A FINAI Company.


As part of its strategy, the NBFC major Bajaj Finance plans to be amongst the most sustainable and profitable companies in India and a pre-eminent choice for its 200 MM customer franchise for all their financial services needs.

Also the finance company aims to be the lowest cost operating model in financial services by accelerating business transformation and leveraging digital and technology, added the presentation.

So, as NBFC comes up with its fresh plans to traverse its road ahead, should you bet on the stock or not. Here's what brokerage say:

Citi on Bajaj Finance

Citi continues with its buy stance on the counter with a target of Rs 8,150, implying potential gains of 17.5 per cent. The brokerage said that some of the key revisions in the new LRS 2025-29 frameworrk include:

1. Being a viable payments player aiming at 1 per cent share in payments (vs 3 per cent earlier).

2. Achieve cost efficiency - implementing 29 GenAI use cases across 25 work streams will deliver an annual cost save of Rs 1.5bn in FY26 alone.

Strategy in 'BFL 3.0 - A Final Company' phase enumerates: i) MSME as next growth engine; ii) build market leadership in PL, gold loans, MFI, 2W; iii) optimize auto loans; iv) Launch green financing and corporate leasing

30Meanwhile, another global brokerage Morgan Stanley remains bullish with an 'overweight' rating and a still higher target of Rs 9000- implying potential gains of 30 per cent.