Sheetal Universal IPO: The Sheetal Universal SME IPO opened for subscription on Monday, December 4, with a price band of Rs 70 per share. The SME IPO of the company will open for subscription for three trading days, i.e., until December 6, from 10 am to 5 pm. The IPO comprises a fixed price issue worth Rs 23.8 crore.


Here are some important things to know about the Sheetal Universal IPO:

Sheetal Universal IPO allotment date

The basis of the allotment of shares under the IPO of the Sheetal Universal IPO is set to be finalised on December 7.

Sheetal Universal IPO listing date

The stock is likely to be listed on December 11. The stock will be listed on the NSE SME.

Sheetal Universal IPO: Book running lead managers

Beeline Capital Advisors is the book running lead manager of the IPO, while Bigshare Services is the registrar for the issue.

Sheetal Universal IPO: Fund Utilisation

The issue proceeds from the fresh issue will be utilised for the following objects:

1. Funding capital expenditure

2. Working capital requirement

3. General corporate purpose and to meet public issue expenses

Sheetal Universal IPO: Lot size

The issue had a lot size of 2,000 shares

What does Sheetal Universal do?

Incorporated in 2015, Sheetal Universal is engaged in the business of sourcing, processing, and supplying agricultural commodities such as peanuts, sesame seeds, spice, and grains to cater to the manufacturers of peanut butter, biscuits, cakes, chocolate, and food products.

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