Motisons Jewellers IPO allotment status: Motisons Jewellers' initial public offering (IPO) worth Rs 151.09 crore concluded with an overall subscription of 159.61 times on Wednesday, December 20. The jewellery stock is tentatively set to be listed on December 26 on the exchanges NSE and BSE, after the finalisation of the allotment of shares on December 21

Motisons Jewellers IPO subscription status


At the end of the three-day bidding process, the Motisons Jewellers IPO received bids for 3,33,12,07,750 shares as against 2,08,71,000 shares on offer, according to provisional exchange data.

Here's how various categories of investors responded to the issue

Category Subscription (No. of times the equity reserved)
Qualified institutional buyers  157.4
Non-institutional investors 233.91
Retail investors 122.28
Overall 159.61
Source: Exchange data

Motisons Jewellers IPO: Here's a step-by-step guide on how to check the allotment status

Those who participated in the Motisons Jewellers IPO can check the status of their application online in two ways: through the BSE website and the registrar's website.

Motisons Jewellers IPO allotment staus check on BSE

Step 1: Visit the official website of the BSE to check the status of the IPO application online. Login using the direct link:

Step 2: Select 'Equity' under 'Issue Type'

Step 3: Select 'Issue Name'. Enter the application number in the box or provide your PAN details to proceed.

Step 4: Click 'submit'.

The status of your Motisons Jewellers IPO application will appear on the screen.

Motisons Jewellers IPO allotment staus check on Link Intime

A bidder is required to log in to the direct Link Intime website and follow through to check the status of the IPO application online. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to the direct Link Intime web link:;

Step 2: Select 'Motisons Jewellers IPO'

Step 3: The bidder then has to enter PAN details.

Step 4: Click on the 'Search' option.

The status of your Motisons Jewellers IPO application will appear on the screen.

What does Motisons Jewellers do?

Established in October 1997, Motisons Jewellers sells gold, diamond, and kundan jewellery, as well as other jewellery products. The company sells pearls, silver, platinum, and other metals.

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