Indo Farm Equipment IPO update: Indo Farm Equipment's IPO which opened for subscription on Tuesday, December 31, 2024, was oversubscribed 223.88 times so far on the third and last-day bidding process. According to the BSE data, it received a bid for 1,89,62,64,210 shares against 84,70,000 shares by 3:39 pm.


Category-wise, the Retail Individual Investors (RIIs) portion fetched 40,83,88,782 shares or 96.43 times against 42,35,000 shares, reserved for them. Meanwhile, the Non-Institutional Investors (NIIS), also known as HNIs, applied bids for 90,14,25,798 shares or 496.65 times against 18,15,000 shares, allocated for the category.

Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs), however, have shown minimal participation so far by bidding for 58,64,49,630 shares or 242.33 times against 24,20,000 shares.

According to the exchanges data, the highest bid from investors was placed at Rs 204, while on the other hand, the lowest bid was placed at the cut-off price.

Indo Farm Equipment IPO Key Details: Lot size, allotment date and other details

The lot size of the IPO is 69 shares and in multiple thereof. The price has been fixed between Rs 204 and Rs 215.

Indo Farm Equipment IPO | Allotment date

The allotment date of Indo Farm Equipment IPO is fixed on Friday, January 3, 2025.

Indo Farm Equipment IPO | Listing Date

The Indo Farm Equipment IPO stock will debut on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.

BRLMs & registrar

Book Running Lead Managers (BRLMs): Aryaman Financial Services Ltd. 

Official Registrar: MAS Services Ltd