Gold platform Augmont Gold For All has launched a Shree Ram Mandir Coin Kit to commemorate the inauguration of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya on January 22. As per the company, the kit includes a Chopai, a detailed miniature representation of the Ram Mandir, and the sacred soil from the temple (Ram Mandir Mitti) from Ayodhya. 

Shree Ram Mandir Coin Kit: Weight, Price


The Shree Ram Mandir Coin Kit, which is available in 7 grams of pure gold, has been priced at Rs 55,000.

The official release informs that, as a special offer, the company is pricing the kit at Rs 52,751, and offering an additional Rs 2000 worth of free digital gold. 

As per the company, the Shree Ram Mandir Coin will also be offered in silver denominations of 10 gm, 20gm, 50gm, and 100gm for those who prefer silver. 

Shree Ram Mandir Coin Kit: How to buy

As per the official release, potential buyers can buy the kit from Augmont Gold For All's website and mobile app and avail doorstep delivery.
Talking about the launch of the commemorational coin kit, Sachin Kothari, Director – Augmont Gold For All, said, "Through our gold kit, we hope to bestow the divine blessings of Shree Ram on every individual in India. Our minted kits have a beloved miniature idol of Shree Ram delicately carved on one side of our pure gold coin and the iconic Ram Mandir on the other, it also has  the sacred foundation Ram Mandir Mitti from the holy land."

He informed that the minted coin will be of 24 karat and 999 purity, with positive tolerance in weight and purity, tamper-proof packaging, and be delivered to the buyer's doorstep.