Domestic equity benchmark Nifty 50 rose 225.9 points, or 1.0 per cent, during the four-session week ended December 27, driven by gains across most sectors. Buying in financial, auto, healthcare and FMCG shares was at the forefront of the broad-based upmove on Dalal Street though selling in select metal shares played spoilsport, limiting the upside. The Sensex rose 657.5 points, or 0.8 per cent, during this period. 


Here's a summary of some of the top gainers and losers among NSE's sectoral gauges: 

Index Weekly change (%)
Nifty Auto 2.30
Nifty Pharma 2.25
Nifty Healthcare 1.55
Nifty FMCG 1.52
Nifty Private Bank 1.22
Nifty Bank 1.09
Nifty IT -0.11
Nifty Metal -1.05
Nifty Media -1.81

As market participants await a new trading week that will take Dalal Street to a New Year, here are a few things they can track during this period. 


Official data on eight core sectors—capturing infrastructure activity—is due at 5:30 pm on Tuesday. 

On Thursday, a private PMI survey on manufacturing activity in the country is due at 10:30 am. 

Institutional flows will continue to be in focus on Dalal Street this week. 

During the Christmas holiday-truncated week, foreign institutional investors (FIIs) net sold Indian shares amounting to Rs 6,322.9 crore while domestic institutional investors (DIIs) made net purchases to the tune of Rs 10,928 crore, according to provisional exchange data.  

In December so far, FIIs have net sold equity worth Rs 10,444 crore on Dalal Street while net purchases by DIIs amount to Rs 27,474 crore. 


Day Event
Monday, December 30 Hong Kong trade data, US home sales data
Tuesday, December 31 China manufacturing PMI data, US housing data
Wednesday, January 1 US crude oil stockpiles data
Thursday, January 2 UK housing prices data, Eurozone manufacturing PMI data, US jobless claims data
Friday, January 3 Germany unemployment data, US manufacturing data


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