In today’s episode of News Par Views, Zee Business Managing Editor Anil Singhvi spoke to Sandeep Garg, Joint Managing Director (Jt MD) of IOL Chemicals. The company was started in 1986 and is a manufacturer of popular pain killer ibuprofen. It started a plant for ibuprofen in 2000 and later made a multipurpose plant. (#NewsParViews) 


Garg said that the first two quarters of this financial year were quite good, and the third quarter was not as good. He attributed this to the lack of demand for the products on account of better health and food related practices adopted by people because of the lockdown. He said that the next quarter is expected to remain same but from the next financial year the situation will improve significantly. 

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Price of ibuprofen 

The Joint MD said that the price of ibuprofen has come down because of the demand situation. He said that the price will improve once the demand picks up. 

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In today’s episode of News Par Views, Zee Business Managing Editor Anil Singhvi spoke to Sandeep Garg, Joint Managing Director (Jt MD) of IOL Chemicals. The company was started in 1986 and is a manufacturer of popular pain killer ibuprofen. It started a plant for ibuprofen in 2000 and later made a multipurpose plant. (#NewsParViews)



On the Performance Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme, Garg said that the company has not participated in the PLI scheme as the IOL Chemicals’ plans are different. 

On Cash in hand 

He said that the company has around Rs 280-Rs 300 cr cash in hand. He said that the capex and dividend will continue in future. He said that it augured well for the investors to have surplus cash. He said that the company will definitively plan for dividend.