Looking for train fare between two railway stations? Or do you want to know train seat availability? 


There are numerous aspects that cross our minds before embarking on a journey but fare details are one that ticks our mind at the very first. 

Don't worry as we are going to tell you how to check train fares between two railway stations with step-by-step guidance. 

Here's the step-by-step guidance on how to know train ticket fare between two railway stations: 

Step 1: Open the browser of your phone or laptop. 

Step 2: Visit the Indian Railway Passenger Enquiry website  

i.e. http://www.indianrail.gov.in/enquiry/StaticPages/StaticEnquiry.jsp?Stati... 

Step 3: Look for Fare Enquiry section or http://www.indianrail.gov.in/enquiry/FARE/FareEnquiry.html  

(A fare inquiry section will appear on your screen) 

Step 4: Enter the Train Number 

Step 5: Enter Train Journey Date 

Step 6: Enter Source station & Destination Station 

Step 7: Enter Class 

Step 8: Enter Quota 

Step 9: Click on 'Get Fare' 

Details will appear on the screen.