Sleep disorders might now be treated with AI

Artificial intelligence can improve the precision of sleep medicines, resulting in more patient-centered care and better outcomes, suggest a new study. The position statement of the study was published in the journal - Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. The position statement was developed by the AASM's Artificial Intelligence in Sleep Medicine Committee. According to the statement, the electrophysiological data collected during polysomnography -- the most comprehensive type of sleep study -- is well-positioned for enhanced analysis through AI and machine-assisted learning. Because of the vast amounts of data collected by sleep centres, AI and machine learning could advance sleep care, resulting in more accurate diagnoses, prediction of disease and treatment prognosis, characterization of disease subtypes, precision in sleep scoring, and optimization and personalization of sleep treatments. Goldstein noted that AI could be used to automate sleep scoring while identifying additional insights from sleep data. Important considerations for the integration of AI into the sleep medicine practice include transparency and disclosure, testing on novel data, and laboratory integration. The statement recommends that manufacturers disclose the intended population and goal of any program used in the evaluation of patients; test programs intended for clinical use on independent data; and aid sleep centres in the evaluation of AI-based software performance.

Updated on: March 03, 2020, 06.30 PM IST