How to cancel I ticket online on before departure of trains
Indian Railways: Cancellation of I-Tickets can be done at any computerised reservation counter across the country and a cancellation ticket obtained.
Indian Railways: NO CASH REFUND
Indian Railways: Refund after Deduction of Cancellation Charges
Indian Railways: Cancellation Charge
If a confirmed ticket is cancelled more than 48 hrs before the scheduled departure of the train, flat cancellation charges shall be deducted @ Rs.240/- for AC First Class/Executive Class, Rs.200/- for AC 2 Tier/First Class, Rs. 180 for AC 3 Tier/AC Chair car/ AC 3 Economy, Rs.120/- for Sleeper Class and Rs.60/- for Second Class. Cancellation charges are per passenger. (PTI)
Indian Railways: Minimum Flat Rate
Indian Railways: Cancellation of Tickets
Cancellation of tickets after departure of trains: I-Tickets can also be cancelled in the above manner, at the boarding station, within 4 hours before the scheduled departure of the train, cancellation charges will be 50% of the fare subject to the minimum flat rate mentioned in the above clause. (Reuters)