Deepinder Goyal, founder and CEO of Zomato, might have delivered your last meal himself. Or, there are chances that Goyal can deliver your order next time. Yes, you read it right. According to Sanjeev Bikchandani, owner of, the entrepreneur delivers orders at least once a quarter. Bikchandani said that not only Goyal but all senior managers put themselves in the shoes of delivery boys at least once a quarter. While doing so, they never forget to put on a uniform.


"Just met @deepigoyal and the @zomato team. Delighted to learn that all senior managers including Deepinder don a red Zomato tee, get onto a motorcycle and spend a day delivering orders themselves at least once a quarter," Bikhchandani, who is one of the investors in Zomato, said in a tweet.

Interestingly, no one has ever recognised Goyal despite the fact that this practice has been going on for the last three years. "Deepinder tells me that thus far nobody has recognised him," Bikhchandani added.

Meanwhile, Zomato has announced that India's 'grandest food carnival' - Zomaland is making a comeback after hiatus of two years. The food carnival did not take place because of the coronavirus pandemic.  

"After a long COVID hiatus, Zomaland is back! This will be our grandest season, with the carnival setting up its tents in 7 cities, hosting the best of dining and entertainment," Goyal recently said in a tweet.

The Zomaland will be held in seven cities in 2022-23. Around 400 restaurants will feature in the festival and Zomato has promised around 140 hours of entertainment.

Full list of cities where Zomaland festival will be held:

Pune: 5th and 6th November, 2022

Mumbai: 12th and 13th November, 2022

Ahmedabad: 26the and 27the November, 2022

New Delhi: 17th and 18th December, 2022

Hyderabad: 21st and 22nd January, 2023

Bengaluru: 4th and 5th February, 2023

Kolkata: 25th and 26th February, 2023