This cyclone entailed winds with speeds ranging from 165 to 220 km per hour. However the IMD said they are not anticipating a deluge in Mumbai. Though heavy rainfall in and around the Mumbai region is anticipated.

How did Cyclone Ockhi begin?


Many of the cyclones in India originate in the Bay of Bengal. However Cyclone Ockhi originated near the south-western coast of Sri Lanka.

It travelled along the coasts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala and also hit the islands of Lakshadweep.

What to expect in the next 24 hours?

Cyclone Ockhi is expected to make landfall in Gujarat by tonight. Light to moderate rainfall at most places with heavy rainfall at isolated places is anticipated across the states of Maharashtra and Gujarat.

How are transport ops being impacted?

The traffic on Eastern and Western Express Highways in Mumbai has slowed down after rain in some parts of Mumbai throughout last night, as per PTI report.

Flight operations have been delayed by an hour and will continue to be impacted until 3pm on Tuesday.

The Western Railways however issued a notice saying they were prepared for the impacts of the cyclone. Though trains were running 10-15 minutes late this morning.

Actions suggested

Fisher folk along the western coast of India are advised to stay indoors and not to venture out to sea for the next 36 hours or next few days.

“This oceanic and atmospheric turbulence creates cyclones of greater intensities and durations. Cyclone Ockhi is just one such example,” Abreu added.