Amid a spurt in Covid cases in some parts of the world, Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Thursday asked states to remain alert and create awareness about wearing face masks and using hand sanitisers, especially in view of upcoming festivals and new year celebrations.


Making a statement in Lok Sabha, Mandaviya said the continuously evolving nature of the virus poses threat to global health in a way that impacts virtually every country.

The minister said India has been reporting 153 new cases on an average every day as against 5.87 lakh on a daily basis across the world.

"In view of upcoming festivals and new year celebrations, states also need to focus on ensuring effective awareness within the community on adherence to COVID-appropriate behaviour which includes use of masks, hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene practices, besides following physical distancing," he said.

Mandaviya said states have been advised to focus on heightened surveillance within the community and to undertake requisite control and containment measures.

He said states have also been advised to increase the whole genome sequencing of all positive cases for timely detection of newer variants, if any.

Mandaviya said states should ensure the coverage of COVID-19 vaccine's precaution doses are increased and awareness about them raised.

The minister said two per cent random sampling of all international passengers has already started from Thursday at all international airports to minimise the risk of ingress of any new variant into the country.

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