Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Wednesday that the domestic semiconductor sector is on the brink of a revolution, with breakthrough advancements set to transform the industry. "Today, India's mantra is increasing the number of chips produced in India. To advance semiconductor manufacturing, we have taken many steps," said the PM after inaugurating the SEMICON India 2024 event, organised at India Expo Mart, in Uttar Pradesh's Greater Noida. PM Modi said his government is providing 50 per cent support for setting up semiconductor manufacturing facilities, also praising state governments for their various efforts. 


"Our state governments are also helping at their level. Due to India's policies, over $1.5 trillion in investments have been made in this sector in a short time," the PM said. 

PM Modi said that the resilience of supply chains is critical for the economy, making a pitch for boosting investments in the domestic manufacturing of semiconductors.

"India is working to create the same in different sectors of the economy," he said.

"We will do everything that is needed to make India a semiconductor powerhouse," the Prime Minister said, adding that a reformist government, a growing manufacturing base, and an aspirational market provide a three-dimensional boost for chip-making in the country. "Today's India inspires confidence in the world. When the chips are down, you can bet on India," said the PM.

The event is aligned with the Prime Minister's vision of positioning India as a global hub for the designing, manufacturing, and technology development of semiconductors.

The theme of the SEMICON India 2024 event is 'Shaping the Semiconductor Future'.

The three-day conference is set to showcase India’s semiconductor strategy and policy which envisions making the country a global hub for semiconductors.

The conference is estimated to see the participation of more than 250 exhibitors and 150 speakers.