Sanju box office collection: The Ranbir Kapoor film Sanju, a biopic based on actor  Sanjay Dutt's life, has hit the screens on Friday with trade analysts expecting its collection to soar and for it to become one of the highest grossers of 2018, if not the highest of the year. This is after the tremendous hype that has been generated around Sanju movie and the fact that Sanjay Dutt has such a larger than life image that draws people to know more about him. With people lining up at theatres in massive numbers today to see the first day first show, Sanju collection is now all set to cross the ambitious Rs 100 crore mark in the first weekend itself. The film is being released in over 5,000 screens around the country and abroad too.


Trade analyst Sumit Kadel has predicted Sanju collection to easily earn over Rs 100 crore in the opening weekend.  He tweeted: "#Sanju will collect Rs 100 cr+ over the weekend providing humongous advance booking for the film over the weekend." He said, the film will easily cross the Rs 100 crore-mark and 'will have a comfortable run for at least two weeks as there is no big release during that period'. He added the reason behind it too by tweeting, "Rajkumar Hirani enjoys a cult following among the masses and it’s in his name that people will flock to the theatres.” If Sanju collection in opening weekend crosses Rs 100 cr mark, then that would be a huge achievement by Ranbir Kapoor.
According to Kadel the Rajkumar Hirani's movie has recorded a 'bumper' occupancy of 50-55 per cent in early morning shows, while the 9-10 am slot will register around 60-65 per cent occupancy pan India.

"#Sanju opens with BUMPER occupancy of 50-55% at very early morning shows (7-8) across India, 9-10 am shows will register 60-65% occupancy all over India. HUGE opening considering 4000+ screens,” he tweeted.

Money Control quoted film trade analyst Atul Mohan as saying that Ranbir Kapoor starrer Sanju collection prediction is Rs 230 crore at the box office. He declared it a "box-office hit."

“I think the film will earn at least Rs 30 crore on the opening day. If it turns out to be above average in terms of quality, it may even collect Rs 35 crore on Day 1,” told Kadel also to Times Now. 

Rajkumar Hirani's Sanju has a great cast that includes, apart from Ranbir Kapoor, Anushka Sharma,  Sonam Kapoor,  Dia Mirza, Paresh Rawal, Vicky Kaushal and Jim Sarbh in key roles. Their performances have also won rave reviews.