RBI Governor Sanjay Malhotra on Wednesday vowed to ensure that the central bank's trustworthiness grows going forward. In his first press conference as the RBI Governor, Mahotra promised to ensure stability in the economy as well as monetary policy. Asserting that the effort will be to maintain the RBI's legacy, Malhotra said the central bank will maintain continuity and stability in policy matters. However, he also emphasised the need to remain "alert and agile" in the wake of the current global economic and political environment.


Here are highlights of what the new RBI Governor said: 

  • It won't be right for me to score on the first ball itself (referring to his first day in office)
  • Learning about intricacies related to monetary policy
  • It's an honour to head the RBI
  • It's also a big responsibility
  • Will try to maintain the RBI's legacy
  • Effort will be to ensure sustained growth 
  • Focus will be on economic and policy stability 
  • Geopolitical tensions, climate change and political instability in other countries among key challenges facing RBI
  • External information will also be included in RBI policy
  • We have to be conscious of the fact that we do maintain continuity and stability
  • We cannot be stuck to it; we have to be alert and agile to meet challenges
  • RBI will continue to interact with all segments, including financial regulators, state governments and the Centre, to continue its legacy 
  • We do not have monopoly of all knowledge
  • Consultative approach to continue
  • RBI to use technology extensively to cement promote financial inclusion  
  • RBI will continue to watch out for dangers emanating from misuse of technology
  • Primary focus will be on trust, growth and stability 

Earlier on Wednesday, Malhotra took office as the 26th Governor of the RBI, taking the helm from Shaktikanta Das who demitted office the previous day.