In a rapidly evolving world, many young Indians have complained of grappling with escalating stress levels and mental health challenges.


The rising issue has raised alarms about their well-being and the need for comprehensive support systems. Mental health problems can impact all aspects of personal and personal life, such as a person's emotional state, thinking ability, and social relationships. Problems like depression, and anxiety have become common. 

The main causes of mental health problems include stress, work rush, increased aspirations, problems in personal relationships, etc.

Most people do not pay attention to their mental health, but it is important to take care of our mental health and pay attention to it from time to time. There is a need to spread awareness to have a positive attitude towards mental health problems and to increase our ability to tolerate them so that we can live a life full of prosperity and happiness.

In a mental health program, Psychologist and mental health activist Arvind Otta emphasised that many startups and business ventures have come up in the field of mental health, which is a good thing. But at the same time, people who do not have proper training and education are also turning to this field, which can worsen mental health conditions instead of improving them. This is happening because there are no such regulations to control it. It's high time to regulate the professionals in mental health. 

Otta requested the concerned bodies to make efforts to set guidelines and rules to regulate professions in the field of mental health. Not only will this give businesses the proper training and knowledge, but it will also give people the confidence that their mental health problems will be addressed in the right way. He further suggested verifying their authenticity when visiting a mental health professional is extremely important. It is essential to consider their experience. Working with more experienced experts can lead to accurate and professional solutions to problems. 

In the modern lifestyle and stress-filled life, taking care of mental health is very important and it is only natural to seek expert help. Mental health experts have the expertise and experience to understand a person's problem and solve the problem by giving the right advice.