Recruitment 2018: The Mizoram Institute of Medical Education & Research (MIMER) has issued notification to fill up the post of Faculty and Residents. The last date for submission of the application form is July 17, 2018. The candidates have to apply in the prescribed format before the last date. The applicants should go through the official notification beore applying for the posts. The candidates have to make sure that they fulfil all the criteria stipulated in the notification. The applicants should apply early to avoid last-minute rush.  
For  any details  and  application  procedure, candidates can visits websites: or contact: 9862391873/9366186258 (10 AM –5 PM on all working days). The applicants can also email their queries at
MIMER Recruitment 2018: Vacancy details
Professor: 08 posts
Associate Professor: 14 posts
Assistant Professor: 06 posts
Demonstrator: 08 Posts
Senior Resident: 09 posts
Junior Resident: 14 posts


MIMER Recruitment 2018: Educational Qualification:
For all above posts, the qualifications will be according to Medical Council of India rules. For details visit the aforementioned websites.
Age Limit
Should not be more than 40 years of age

How to Apply for the MIMER Faculty & Residents Posts Jobs 2018
The candidates can send the applications and necessary documents to Director, Hospital & Medical Education, New Secretariat Complex or Director, MIMER, Falkawn.

Nature of Appointment:
The post of Professors, Associate Professors will be on Contract Basis with fixed remuneration  initially  for  one  year  which  is  extendable  on  the  basis  of  satisfactory performances.
ii) The   post   of Assistant   Professors will   be on regular   basis with all permissible as applicable under the Government of Mizoram or on-Contract basis with fixed remuneration.
iii) The   post   of Demonstrators will   be  on regular   basis with all   permissible allowances as applicable under the Government of Mizoram.
iv) The   post   of Senior   Residentwill   be   on regular   basis with all   permissible allowances  as  applicable  under  the  Government  of  Mizoramup  to  the  attainment  of 40  years  of  Age by  the  incumbent(As per  the  Medical  Council  of  India  Minimum Qualifications  for  Teachers  in  Medical  Institutions  Regulations,  1998 as amended from time to time).
v)The  post  of Junior  Residentwill  be  on Contract  Basis with  fixed  remuneration initially for one year which is extendable on the basis of satisfactory performances.
vi) The   Department   has   the   authority   to   reject   incomplete   applications   without assigning any reason thereof.
vii) The Department will not be responsible for any non receipt of application.