Railway Recruitment 2018: The application process for the position of constables and sub-inspectors in Railway Protection Force (RPF) and Railway Protection Special Force (RPSF) has begun from June 1, 2018. The application will be accepted only in online mode. Candidates can apply through Indian Railways official website indianrailways.gov.in. The candidates can also complete registration for the constable posts through this link: constable.rpfonlinereg.org. Registration for the SI posts can be done through this liink: si.rpfonlinereg.org.


There are 9,739 positions open for recruitment at Railway Protection Force & Railway Protection Special Force. Major chunk of these recruits will be women. The application process started from June 1 and June 30, 2018, is the last date. There are 4403 number of vacancies for men and 4216 vacancies for women. 
How to apply for the  RPF, RPSF posts:
1. visit the Indian Railways official website indianrailways.gov.in
2. Click on RPF/RPSF Recruitment-2018
3. There will be these two links "Link for Constable Recruitment" and "Link for Sub-Inspector Recruitment".
4. There will be the option for candidates registration
5. After registration, the candidates have to apply with fees (in case applicable).
6. Once the application is submitted, take a printout of the same.
For details instruction, read the instruction given in these links: "Link for Constable Recruitment" and "Link for Sub-Inspector Recruitment". Candidates should read instruction carefully. Any error in the application process can lead to cancellation of the application.
Educational qualification:

For the post of Constable ( Executive), a candidate has to be SSLC/Matric pass from a recognised Board. For the post of Sub Inspector ( Executive), a candidate has to be Graduate from a recognised University.