Power Ministry on May 29, 2018, will launch a new app, named PRAAPTI, that aims at bringing transparency in power sector of India. PRAAPTI, Payment Ratification and Analysis in Power procurement for bringing Transparency in Invoicing of generators, will contain all details related to payments. The app will enable citizens to monitor the payments that are being made to power generation companies. 


The app will also allow its users to know the details related to the payments made by the discoms to the power generation company and when it was made. They will also be able to see the details related to delays, if any, and check the number of reminders that were sent by the generation company and its impact on generation companies. 

PRAAPTI will also enable the consumers to know the performance of their discoms in terms of payments that are being made to the generation companies. Later, the performance of the discoms will be ratified on the basis of payments that were made. 
The app will allow people to know the tariffs at which the power was procured by the discom. 

Reported by: Prakash Priyadarshi