Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday outlined his vision to fulfil "ease of living" in a mission mode and said his government has taken big steps towards modernising infrastructure in the last 10 years. Addressing the nation from the historic Red Fort on the 78th Independence Day, the prime minister spoke of enhancing the quality of life in the urban areas through systematic assessments and improvements in infrastructure and services.


The prime minister said there has been tremendous progress in infrastructure in the last 10 years, be it railways, roads, airports, ports, broadband connectivity, new schools in every village, schools in forests, hospitals in far-flung areas, Arogya Mandirs, new medical colleges and construction of Ayushman Arogya Mandirs.

The prime minister outlined his vision to fulfil "ease of living" in a mission mode, appealing to the government at every level to work on improving ease of living in mission mode."I urge all public representatives, irrespective of which party they belong to or which state they belong to, that we should take steps for ease of living in a mission mode," he said.

He said four crore houses have been constructed by his government and three crore more are on the way."We have taken big steps towards modernising infrastructure in the country in the last 10 years," the prime minister said. Modi asserted that India's 140 crore citizens can achieve the goal of a prosperous and developed country if they walk shoulder to shoulder with a united resolve.

He said his government has worked to break the mindset of living with the status quo by rolling out big reforms aimed at changing the lives of the middle class and the poor. The commitment to reforms is the blueprint for growth and is not borne of any political compulsion but the dedication to the nation first, the PM said.