A recent survey has found that 50 per cent of knowledge workers in India report a healthy relationship with work. This is nearly double the global average of 27 per cent, according to the HP Work Relationship Index. The findings reveal that 50 per cent of Indian knowledge workers exhibit a sense of workplace contentment against only 27 of the global workforce reporting a healthy relationship with work. 


The survey pinpointed six key drivers of a thriving work relationship: Fulfillment, Leadership, People-centricity, Skills, Tools, and Workspace. India particularly excels in Fulfillment and Skills aspects.

In India, the landscape of work relationships is changing rapidly. Around 78 per cent of knowledge workers report increased expectations regarding their relationship with work in the past 2-3 years. The desire for improvement is strong, with a majority moving to a lower-paying job for a better experience at the workplace.

In this era of hybrid work, the tools and workplace environment play a pivotal role in enabling and motivating employees. Their voices matter, not only in the selection of technology but also in its usage. 84 per cent of knowledge workers in India want technology chosen based on what they need. Furthermore, 75 per cent think it's important to choose where they work. However, only 2 in 5 knowledge workers feel confident that their company can give them the right tools to support hybrid work.

Among the Indian knowledge workers, 80 per cent believe in the importance of encouraging open emotional communication within the workplace. Remarkably, almost 9 in 10 are even willing to move to a lower-paying job if they could work with leaders who are emotionally intelligent. Business leaders also agree, with 76 per cent saying emotional intelligence is vital for leadership success and a strong 90 per cent think showing empathy matters. However, a significant gap exists. Nearly half (47 per cent) of knowledge workers feel their company's leaders aren't meeting their emotional expectations.

The study, which explores employees’ relationships with work around the world, surveyed over 15,600 respondents including knowledge workers, IT decision makers, and business leaders in 12 countries, with a sample size of over 1300 respondents from India.