Eric Garcetti was announced as the USA Ambassador to India by US President Joe Biden on Thursday. Eric Garcetti is a close aide to Biden and was nominated after the Senate ended a protracted hiatus of over two years to fill the key diplomatic position.


Eric Garcetti was voted 52-42, where he lost the votes of three Democrats but convinced seven Republicans to cross the aisle, winning him the job. His nomination had been pending before the US Congress since July 2021 when he was nominated for the prestigious diplomatic posting by Biden.

Garcetti's nomination was not brought to the Senate floor for a vote during the last Congress as the ruling Democratic Party did not have enough support.

Kenneth Juster, the last occupant of the ambassadorial residence of the US in New Delhi, stepped down in January 2021 after the change of government in America.

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Who is Eric Garcetti? 

According to Garcetti’s official website, Eric Garcetti is Los Angeles' 42nd mayor. From 2006 to 2012, Garcetti was elected President of the Los Angeles City Council four times by his peers. 

From 2001 to his election as Mayor, he was a Council member in the 13th District, which included Hollywood, Echo Park, Silver Lake, and Atwater Village, all of which were dramatically revitalised under Garcetti's leadership.

Raised in San Fernando Valley, Garcetti earned his B.A. and M.A. from Columbia University. He studied as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford and the London School of Economics and taught at Occidental College and USC. A fourth-generation Angeleno, he and his wife, Amy Elaine Wakeland, have a young daughter. 

He was an officer in the U.S. Navy reserve for 12 years and is an avid jazz pianist and photographer.

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