In a meeting chaired by Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray and attended by School Education Minister Varsha Gaikwad and other officials, the state government of Maharashtra announced that the classes for standards 9th, 10th in schools located in non-red zone areas and for 12th would begin from July 1. Also, the classes of 6th to 8th standards would begin from the month of August, as per the government announcement.


A circular issued on Monday noted that the schools not located in red zone can commence classes of standards 9th, 10th and 12th from July 1 while classes of 6th to 8th standards would begin from August. 

Although due to number of cases, in some areas schools could not be opened, the process of teaching cannot be stopped. The use of digital technnology to reach out with students should be adopted in those areas.

"Classes of Standard 1st and 2nd are exempted from online teaching. However, for remaining standards certain hours per week have been defined by the government. We are trying to use All India Radio (AIR) network as well to reach out to students with the curriculum, Some of the teaching can be broadcast" Gaikwad said.

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As Maharashtra has reported the highest number of coronavirus cases in the country, some teachers' and principals' unions have demanded that all school in the state open from August.