Industrial disasters and fuel fires often lead to fatalities, disruption and in some cases, economic slowdown. Preventing and responding to disasters require situational awareness, and the use of tethered drones, in particular, is progressively becoming a vital aspect of fire-fighting and damage assessment the world over as live aerial imagery can potentially avert a situation from getting bad to worse. Moreover, it can also minimize human vulnerabilities, relieving them from getting into harm’s way. The tethered drones market is growing nowadays.


India is focusing on being ‘Aatmanirbhar’ (self-reliant). With the waiver of pilot licenses, reduced formalities, launch of new drone corridors and incentivizing local manufacturers, the participation of private players is set to increase. As per Market Research Future, it is expected to reach $554mn by 2023, recording a considerable 40% CAGR during the forecast period (2018-2023). According to FICCI, India’s drone market potential will touch about $40 billion by 2030.

Defence PSU, Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), has developed tethered UAVs suited for applications that require more endurance and are designed to prevent attacks.

Commenting on how tethered drones gaining traction in India, Major Vijay, President, ACSG Corp., says, “In an unsafe environment, the collective involvement of the fire brigade, police and rescuers requires clear communication and up-to-date situational awareness. Keeping a bird’s eye view allows accurate decision-making and passage of information to all stakeholders.”

"In critical environments, tethered drones offer greater value than free-flying ones. Once tethered, the drone receives continuous power supply which enhances its endurance. In case of a power cut, the back-up battery automatically takes over to ensure the drone remains airborne. They are perfect for data capture, live video feed transmission, and telemetry due to the reliability of the cable links to the ground station," he added.