A typographical error had proved to be a nightmare for a family in Nauganva Sadat town in Amroha. A 66-year-old man was suffering from cold and sore throat and was admitted to a Moradabad hospital for treatment.


His blood sample was collected and sent to Aligarh laboratory last week. The report arrived on Monday night which showed that he was corona positive. Eight members of his family were quarantined and the health officials started tracking all those who had been in contact with the family.

The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) later sought confirmation of the report from the Aligarh laboratory which sent a report saying that the patient was Corona negative. The earlier report had, by mistake, mentioned that the patient was Corona positive.

The man was discharged and five members of his family who had been admitted to the hospital were also allowed to go home.

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Amroha CMO Megh Singh said, "The test report of a Nauganva Sadat local was misprinted. As per the earlier report, he was shown COVID-19 positive but when we reconfirmed the same, he was corona negative and the mistake was a typing error."