Goods and Services Tax (GST) collection in August 2022 stood at Rs 1,43,612, according to data released by the Ministry of Finance on Thursday. This is the sixth month in a row when GST collection remained above Rs 1.40 lakh crore.


"Better reporting coupled with economic recovery has been having a positive impact on the GST revenues on a consistent basis," the ministry said in a statement.

The gross GST revenue collected in August 2022 stood at Rs 1,43,612 crore of which Central GST is Rs 24,710 crore, State GST is Rs 30,951 crore, Integrated GST is Rs 77,782 crore (including Rs 42,067 crore collected on import of goods) and cess is Rs 10,168 crore (including Rs 1,018 crore collected on import of goods), the ministry said.

The revenues for the month of August 2022, registered 28 per cent increase than the GST revenues of Rs 1,12,020 crore collected in August 2021.