De De Pyaar De box office collection day 3: The Ajay Devgn starrer comedy De De Pyar De had opened to good numbers and positive reviews on Friday, giving hope of another hit to Bollywood. But, the film has failed to pick up over the weekend and was hit by the final phase of Lok Sabha elections on Sunday. On Friday, De De Pyaar De had raked in Rs 10.41 crore and managed to improve its collections slightly on Sunday by making Rs 14.74 crore, taking its overall collection to Rs 38.54. The weekdays will be crucial for the film and it will be interesting to see if manages to survive the general election counting day, which is on 23rd. 


Movie critic and business analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted that the business was even hit in Mumbai and Delhi-NCR multiplexes. "#DeDePyaarDe witnesses day-wise growth... Biz was affected on Day 3 due to polling in some parts... Mumbai and Delhi-NCR plexes lead... Weekdays crucial... Fri 10.41 cr [incl Thu previews], Sat 13.39 cr, Sun 14.74 cr. Total: ₹ 38.54 cr. India biz. #DDPD," his tweet read.

The film also stars Rakul Preet Singh and Tabu in the lead roles. Last year, Ajay Devgn’s Raid had opened on a similar note (Rs 10.04 crores) and had a very similar weekend (Rs. 41.01 crores). However, it had picked up on positive word of mouth and had managed to enter the Rs 100 crore club. 

De De Pyar De comes from a totally different school of film making and brings more entertainment appeal. 

Student of the Year 2's decline during the second week has also helped the Ajay Devgn starrer. The Tiger Shroff film witnessed over 82 per cent decline in its collection on the second weekend, earning Rs 6.62 crore. The film's overall collection stands at Rs 64.52 crore. 

"#StudentOfTheYear2 remains on the lower side... Decline in Weekend 2 [vis-à-vis Weekend 1]: 82.95%... [Week 2] Fri 1.62 cr, Sat 2.25 cr, Sun 2.75 cr. Total: ₹ 64.52 cr. India biz," Adarsh said in another tweet.