Hyundai Motor India Ltd (HMIL) said Saturday it has stationed a dedicated emergency road service team to support the Fani cyclone affected customers or vehicles in the states of Odisha and West Bengal.


The 'Hyundai Relief task Force' would enhance services for vehicle-owners affected by Cyclone Fani.

"Hyundai has stationed a dedicated emergency road service team to support the Fani Cyclone affected customers/ vehicles along with 26 flatbed trucks and 21 Towing Trucks to assist the customers," HMIL said in a statement.

In order to ensure the availability of services in every part of the city, Hyundai has activated a toll free number (0124- 4343937 ) for towing the vehicles and over 40 technicians will assist the vehicle owners by offering timely delivery. 

Special discounts on parts are being offered on repairs/ restorations of cyclone-affected vehicles along with 50 per cent discount on depreciation on insurance claims.

Cyclonic storm 'Fani' has ravaged parts of Odisha, killing at least 12 people. The cyclone barrelled through Odisha on Friday, unleashing copious rain and windstorm that gusted up to 175 kmph.