Centum Learning Limited Monday said it has appointed Rajeev Vasudeva, the former global CEO of Egon Zehnder, as its Chairman.


Vasudeva will also be a major investor in the company, acquiring a 20 per cent equity stake in Centum Learning.

As one of the promoters of Centum, he will chart the direction for aggregating the demand and supply of employable skill by leveraging technology and expanding its partnership with the corporate sector.

A new, empowered Board will be assembled under Vasudeva to further strengthen corporate governance and support Centum's ambitious growth plans.

The current MD & CEO of Centum ? Sanjay Bahl -- along with the senior management team will report to the Board under the leadership of Vasudeva. 

In January 2014, he was appointed the Chief Executive of Egon Zehnder and served till October 2018. Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Rajeev worked as a management consultant with Touche Ross and Price Waterhouse in the US and in India.

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Centum, with over 2,700 learning and development specialists in more than 15 countries with domain expertise in around 21 industry verticals, has skilled more than 1.5 million people globally.

Over the years, Centum has provided customised end-to-end training solutions to more than 350 corporates globally.