CDS Exam Date 2019: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced that the second edition of the Combined Defense Service Exam Date 2019 will be September 8th. The UPSC notification confirms that the CDS (II) exam 2019 will be conducted on September 8th to shortlist the candidates for the SSB (Service Selection Board). Candidates found qualified in the CDS (II) exam taking place on September 8 will be informed by the UPSC about their SSB dates and other details.


CDS Exam 2019 will comprise of 300 marks and candidates will have to appear in three sittings namely General Knowledge (GK), mathematics and English. Each sitting will carry 100 marks and maximum time given to answer the question in one sitting would be 2 hours. However, for OTA (Officers' Training Academy) officer, the CDS exam will be of 200 marks as they need not appear for the mathematics exam.

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Candidates appearing on September 8 CDS Exam 2019 won't be allowed to use gadgets like android or smartphones, Bluetooth or any advanced communication gadgets as the UPSC has already notified, "Do not bring into the Examination Hall any article other than those specified above e.g. books, notes, loose sheets, electronic or any other type of calculators, mathematical and drawing instruments, Log Tables, stencils of maps, slide rules, Test Booklets and rough sheets pertaining to earlier session(s) etc.," reads the notice released by the UPSC."

Those candidates who are appearing in the CDS Exam 2019 can carry clipboard or hardboard and black ball pen for answering the questions or marking the answer sheet that would be provided along with the question paper by the examination controller or the invigilator. However, the candidates should make it clear that the boards they would be bringing with them at the examination center should not have anything written on them.