Calicut University results 2019: The Calicut University has released results for semester exams of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and Bachelor of Commerce (BCom).  The university has released the first semester results of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and Bachelor of Commerce (BCom). It has also released fourth-semester results of MA Journalism and Mass Communication. The students who have appeared for these exams should visit the official website of Calicut University -


The students have to remember their registration number and date of birth to view their results. There might be traffic on the website and due to that the portal may work slow.

How to check Calicut University BBA, BCom, MA semester results?
1. The candidates have to visit to the  official website  of Calicut University -
2. They have to click on "first semester BCom, BBA results" and  "fourth-semester MA Journalism and Mass Communication results".
3. Candidates have to put their registration number and date of birth in the new window that opens
4: Now, they have to submit the page
5. Here the students can take a print out of the results for future reference