Bihar Board Class 10 and 12 Dummy Admit Card 2020: If you are a student from Bihar Board and you found some kind of error in your admit card? and if you think its too late to correct it, worry not, because Bihar Board has extended the dates for candidates to make corrections in the BSEB Dummy Admit Card.  Candidates writing examinations for class 10th and 12th can check the details in the admit card by visiting the official website, if any error found, the candidate can make changes.


Bihar Board Class 10 and 12 Dummy Admit Card 2020: HOW TO DOWNLOAD SECOND DUMMY ADMIT CARD AND MAKE CHANGES

If you are 10th class student you can visit,
If you are 12th class student you can visit,

The board has released an official notification stating the date of release of the second dummy admit card along with the dates until the corrections can be made and the steps to download the Bihar board class 10 second admit card. 

Candidates can visit the official website 

Board has also released an official notification and have mentioned about the release date of the second Dummy admit card with the dates until the corrections can be made and also the ways to download the class 10 Bihar Board second Dummy Admit Card. 

Here are steps to follow to download the class 10 and 12th Bihar Board second Dummy Admit Card

Step 1: Visit the official website of Bihar School Examination Board
Step 2: Click on the Examination Application form for Exam 2020 on the left side of the home page
Step 3: Click on ‘Click here to Print/View
Step 4: Enter log in details
Step 5: Download the Dummy admit card

In case if there's any corrections required for the details like the candidates' name, registration number, name of father, mother, gender, photograph, subjects, and signature mentioned on the Bihar Board second Dummy admit card, Candidate can report to the head of the schools and its mandatory to make corrections.