The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, a statutory body under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, has said that the 'A1' and 'A2' differentiation of milk is essentially linked to the difference in the "structure of the protein (beta-casein)" and hence the use of any A2 claims on milk fat products is misleading. In a communication to e-commerce food business operators in the country, the food regulator wrote that the use of such claims is "not in conformance with the provisions laid down under the FSS Act, 2006, and Regulations made thereunder".


Directing food businesses - including e-commerce players - to remove such claims from the packaging of milk and milk-related products - such as ghee, curd, butter etc. - as well as websites immediately, the FSSAI stated that its current regulations do not recognise this differentiation.

It also gave companies six months to exhaust pre-printed labels and said that no further extensions would be granted.

The FSSAI examined the matter in detail before issuing the order. 

It also stated that the standards specified in food safety regulations "do not mention/recognise any differentiation of milk on the basis of A1 and A2 types". 

"FBOs are instructed to remove such claims from their products. E-commerce FBOs are instructed to remove all the claims related to A1 and A2 proteins from their websites immediately," wrote the FSSAI in its communication dated August 21. 

Although FBOs are permitted to exhaust the available pre-printed labels within six months from the date of issuance of this direction, "no further extension and timeline will be granted" to them, the food safety watchdog added. 

What is beta-casein protein? 

Beta-casein is a protein present in the milk of mammals, like cows.

This protein is key to the structure and function of dairy products.

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Beta-casein comes in variations, mainly A1 and A2 types, with research indicating that A2 beta-casein might be easier to digest for some people compared to A1.