7th Pay Commission: November may bring huge benefits because Uttar Pradesh government has recently given clearance to Cadre Review demand in some of its departments, which may positively affect around 1 lakh state government employees. Cadre review will give double benefit for the employees.


At once it advocates promotion as well as increment in payroll. Additionally, a discussion to rename BCG technician cadre was held in meeting. There was also a demand to add team leader position in Gazetted category raised by the union leaders which resulted in an immediate order to related department was issued by Chief Secretary.

State government agreed and accepted demands made by Union leaders. Uttar Pradesh Chief Secretary Anup Chandra Pandey and union leaders were part of the meeting, where Anup Chndra Pandey was on the behalf of the state government.

S P Tiwari, chairman of State Employees Joint Council and R K Nigam, General Secretary portrayed the demand in front of government on the behalf of employees.

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R K Verma, a provincial member of State Employees Joint Council told Zee Business digital that Chief Secretary has decided to apply all the recommendations made by the committee under 7th Pay Commission from November. Order has been given to Finance Department in this regard.

A decision to remove anomaly of 6th Pay Commission is also taken. First and the Foremost department to be benefited from Cadre Reviews are Agriculture and Commercial Department. Employees who are deserving to be promoted will be promoted and salary increment will be given accordingly.