2.0 Box Office Collection: S Shankar's 2.0 has so far sustained its earning streak at the box office and even registered a growth of 30 per cent over Friday's collection. The film stars Rajinikanth, Akshay Kumar and Amy Jackson in lead roles. Film critic and trade analyst Sumit Kadel told zeebiz.com that the film has earned Rs 24 crore in the Southern belt on day 3.


"The film has earned Rs 24 crore net in South India. It has improved its Hindi business by almost 30 per cent to Rs 24.50 crore net collection," said Kadel.

The film, therefore, earned Rs 48.50 crore net on Saturday. However, the Saturday's gross earning stands around Rs 59 crore.

The film's gross collection on day 1 was around Rs 74 crore (net Rs 61 crore). The film witnessed a decline in its net collection on Friday as it earned Rs 17.50 cr net in Hindi and Rs 22 crore net in Tamil and Telugu. This has propelled the film's gross collection to Rs 135 crore in two days.

If day 3 gross collection is taken together, the film has earned Rs 194 crore and is all set to cross Rs 200 crore mark on Sunday.

Film critic and trade analyst Ramesh Bala said that the film has earned Rs 7.34 crore in Chennai and Rs 10.32 crore in Nizam in last three days respectively.

On the other hand, the film has been doing a handsome business at overseas box offices. According to Bala, the film has grossed $2.5 million in the USA, SG$ 740,768 in Singapore (two days), $ 119,670 in New Zeland and $688,167 in Australia. Therefore, if its overseas collection is taken together, the film's worldwide earning may have crossed Rs 250 crore mark globally

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The Sunday collection is expected to be better than Saturdays. If Sunday's collection gets better of Saturday even by 10 per cent, it may power the movie to Rs 250 crore (gross collection) club domestically.