Maharashtra HSC Admit Card 2021:  Maharashtra Higher secondary certificate (HSC or Class 12) admit Card 2021 will be releasing tomorrow, April 3, 2021. All Maharashtra Higher Secondary Schools/Junior Colleges can download hall tickets from through their school or college ID. Later, students who are set to appear in Maharashtra HSC exam can collect their admit cards from their respective schools.  


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Meanwhile in case schools and colleges encounter any difficulty in downloaidng Maharashtra HSC Admit Card 2021, they have been asked to contact their respective divisional board office.   

In case a student misplaces his or her Maharashtra HSC Admit Card 2021, a duplicate admit card can be issued with remark. The official website refer here is   

As per the instructions of the Maharashtra State Board, the schools and colleges must download the Maharashtra HSC Admit Card 2021 and get it signed by the principal or headmaster.   

Maharashtra HSC Admit Card 2021: Important points to remember  

-The hall tickets must be signed by the head of the institutions.   

-Correction regarding student’s photo, name and signature can be done by the schools and colleges.  

-Correction regarding subjects and medium of examination can be done by the schools in consultation with the Divisional Board.    

-In case of defective digital photograph, a physical photo can be affixed and signed by the principal.  

 -The schools and colleges are advised to go through the instructions mentioned above. Also, the official website must be tracked to download and distribute Maharashtra HSC Admit Card 2021 on time.