The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has released the admit card for Term End Examination (TEE). Candidates appearing for the exam can download the admit card from varsity's official website -


IGNOU TTE is scheduled to be conducted from June 22 to September 5.

IGNOU June TEE Admit Card download link:

Step 1: Visit the official IGNOU website -

Step 2: Click on the 'Download TEE Hall Ticket 2022'link as the homepage appears.

Step 3: Enter the required login credentials - enrollment number and the programme applied for

Step 4: IGNOU hall ticket June 2022 TEE will be displayed on the screen.

Step 5: Download the admit card and take a printout of the IGNOU admit card June 2022 for future use.

Students are advised to visit the IGNOU website regularly for latest updates.