The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has issued a consultation paper to assess the feasibility of introducing separate recharge plans for voice calls, data, and SMS. This move aims to address concerns about the current bundled plans, which often lead to consumers paying for services they do not use. The regulator is seeking feedback from stakeholders on these potential changes to the current tariff regulatory framework. Comments are invited until August 16, with counter-comments due by August 23.


The consultation paper, titled "Consultation Paper on Review of Telecom Consumers Protection Regulations (TCPR), 2012," explores whether the maximum validity of Special Tariff Vouchers (STVs) and Combo Vouchers (CVs), currently capped at 90 days, should be extended. TRAI acknowledged that while bundled plans offering data, voice, and SMS services are prevalent, they do not always align with individual consumer needs.

Many users, particularly those who use basic phones or only make voice calls, do not need data or SMS services. Conversely, those with high data usage but low call needs may find themselves paying more than necessary for unused call services.

TRAI’s consultation aims to explore the introduction of product-specific tariffs for voice, SMS, and data, in addition to the existing bundled options.

The paper highlights a growing perception among consumers that bundled offerings limit their choice in selecting telecom tariff plans. TRAI is considering whether extending the validity period of STVs and CVs could provide better value and flexibility for users.