As NVIDIA topples Apple to become world's second largest firm, know eventful journey of $3 trillion chipmaker giant

The chipmaker giant hit a $3 trillion market cap on Wednesday and it now stands behind the top-ranker software giant Microsoft. Among the top companies in the world by market value, Microsoft has a $3.151 lakh crore m-cap, Nvidia has $3.011 lakh crore, while Apple has $3.003 lakh crore.  

ZeeBiz WebTeam | Jun 06, 2024, 05:20 PM IST

AI-focused NVIDIA on Wednesday (June 5, 2024) surpassed Apple to become the world's second most valuable company. The chipmaker giant hit a $3 trillion market cap on Wednesday and it now stands behind the top-ranker software giant Microsoft. Among the top companies in the world by market value, Microsoft has a $3.151 lakh crore m-cap, Nvidia has $3.011 lakh crore, while Apple has $3.003 lakh crore. Let's go through NVIDIA's Market Trend:


July 2021

July 2021

Achieves $2 trillion market cap in just 9 months



May 2023

May 2023

Surges to $1 trillion market cap in 22 months



February 2024

February 2024

Achieves $2 trillion market cap in just 9 months


June 2024

June 2024

Hits the $3 trillion milestone in a remarkable 3 months


Top Companies by Market Value

Top Companies by Market Value

  • Microsoft leads with a market cap of $3.151 trillion
  • NVIDIA follows closely behind at $3.011 trillion
  • Apple trails slightly at $3.003 trillion


What's driving NVIDIA's optimism?

What's driving NVIDIA's optimism?

Well, it's been dominating the scene, capturing over 80% of the market share in AI chips tailored for data centers. Plus, with giants like Microsoft, Meta, Google, and Amazon all vying to roll out AI products, NVIDIA sees a lucrative opportunity on the horizon. The surge in demand for GPU-based servers only sweetens the deal, further fueling the company's growth. Additionally, the Indian government's ambitious plan to procure 10,000 GPUs within the next 18-24 months is a significant boon, aimed at enhancing India's AI capabilities. With a hefty allocation of Rs 10,372 crore for the India AI Mission over the next 5 years, the stage is set for NVIDIA to capitalize on this momentum.

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