Cressanda Solutions Ltd. has informed that has entered into an agreement with a large institutional client for providing tech-powered infrastructure solutions towards unaddressed passenger experience in India. 


"The company is poised to innovate, design and deliver large business projects with technology and software services at its core. The software services include development of business applications, data Sciences, cloud ,migration , business process optimization, digital media, technology implementation & maintenance services," a statement said.

Cressanda solutions says it will play a pivotal role in managing the entire operations of this prestigious project with an estimated value of Rs 15,000 million in a fully functional year.

"This is a turning point for the company as it launches Cressanda into a pioneering role of bringing about transformation of consumer experience on a gigantic scale. The sheer volume of positively impacted consumers is in millions, almost  comparable in volume to the population of a large European country served every 30 days. The company will have numerous Phygital -‘Physical and Digital’ touchpoints with the consumers while providing end to end solutions such as last-mile transportation, hospitality, housekeeping and digital payments. The company has innovated a package of ‘first-of-a-kind’ in-transit, Value added offerings to consumers such as home Pick-n-Drop, high speed Wi-Fi, in-App Entertainment, choice of regional cuisines and location-based e-Commerce platform to empower local artisans," as per BSE filing by Cressanda Solutions Ltd.

In this new avatar, Cressanda solutions has tied up with  ‘Best of Breed’ partners, pioneers with strong credentials in their area of expertise, to provide relevant solution stack to intended segments. Cressanda solutions will manage the entire program through its structured methodology and deliver & manage the solution, the BSE filing document said.