JSW MG Motor India's newly launched luxury brand channel, MG Select, has unveiled a preview of the highly anticipated MG Cyberster. The roadster, set to be the world’s fastest MG, will feature India’s first-ever Electric Scissor Doors. This visionary reinterpretation of the classic MG B Roadster from the 1960s combines new-age innovations with timeless elegance, offering a glimpse into the future of automotive design.


A teaser video of the MG Cyberster showcases its sleek, futuristic design, which reflects luxury, performance, and cutting-edge technology. The car promises a seamless fusion of high-performance engineering and the enduring charm of a classic, setting a new standard for modern roadsters.

One of the standout features of the Cyberster is its electric scissor doors, which open and close in just five seconds with the touch of a button. The doors are equipped with advanced safety features, including Dual Radar sensors that protect the vehicle from sideways and upward obstructions, as well as an anti-pinch bounce-back mechanism for added safety when closing.

Designed for high performance, the MG Cyberster delivers lightning-fast acceleration, offering an unparalleled driving experience for enthusiasts seeking power and control. Its dynamic silhouette and innovative doors reflect MG’s rich heritage while looking boldly ahead to the future.

MG Select introduces a new brand channel that redefines accessible luxury. The channel is designed for customers who value meaningful, purposeful experiences over mere opulence, the company claims. With exclusive experience centers in 12 cities, MG Select brings together innovation, sustainability, and luxury to deliver an exceptional automotive journey. Rooted in the Morris Garages legacy, MG Select is set to redefine luxury mobility in India with a blend of environmentally conscious technology and timeless design.

The official unveiling of the MG Cyberster is scheduled for January 2025, where it will set new benchmarks for luxury and performance in the automotive world.