Markets regulator Sebi Wednesday said it is examining the whistleblower complaint against Dilip Shanghvi-led Sun Pharmaceutical Industries.


A whistleblower had last month approached Sebi with a document alleging various irregularities by the company, its promoter Shanghvi and others.

"There is whistleblower complaint which we are examining. I have nothing more to add," Sebi Chairman Ajay Tyagi told reporters after its board meeting.

"When somebody files consent, they give facts and details. On that basis it is decided. And if the facts are wrong then it can be reopened. The adjudication was a separate case. Sun Pharma settlement was a separate case. It was on their internal code of conduct," he added.

Shangvi, who is also the managing director of the pharma firm, earlier this month denied receiving any query so far from the markets regulator regarding the whistleblower complaint.

"We are following highest levels of corporate governance at Sun Pharma," Shanghvi had said.

Sources had told


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