The Punjab government will support setting up of modern dairy centres in the state to provide standardise feed to milch animals for increasing milk production, a minister said Friday.


To encourage the progressive dairy farmers and budding entrepreneurs for setting up such dairy service centres, a subsidy of Rs 20 lakh would be provided to each unit by the state government, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development and Fisheries Minister Balbir Singh Sidhu said.

Dairy centres will produce silage, which is made from green fodder and maize and a substitute to green fodder, the minister said.

Generally, the availability of green fodder is adequate in the Kharif and Rabi season with the exception in October and November when farmers face acute dearth of green fodder for their milch animals, he said.

In order to tackle this difficult situation which adversely affects the milk production, the state government has chalked out this scheme to set up modern dairy service centres across the state, he said.

This technique has already been developed in Punjab and many of the farmers-cum-entrepreneurs are selling silage made from maize to dairy farmers of state and also to the other states, he further added.


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