There is no shortage of urea in Punjab as 85 per cent urea has already been made available to farmers during the current Rabi season, a state government spokesman said here on Thursday.


"Punjab requires 12.50 lakh metric tonnes of urea in current Rabi season till 31st of January, 2019 against which 10.60 LMT of urea has already reached the state.

"Another 40,000 metric tonnes of urea shall arrive in the state in the next four days. Balance quantity of urea has already been tied up to arrive in the days to come, he said.

Sufficient quantity of urea has already been made available in cooperative societies of the state, he said.

During the current rabi season, wheat has been sown in about 35 lakh hectares in Punjab and the application of urea in wheat continues up to January 31.

State government is closely monitoring the supplies and sales of urea to the farmers in the state and there is no question of any shortage, the spokesman said.

Notably, reports in a section of media had said that farmers in Moga, Ferozepur, Fazilka and other districts of Malwa are complaining of shortage of urea in the middle of the rabi season.


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